give us an inch and we'll take a foot and what goes with it
Dear Playboy
Playboy After Hours - a guy's guide to what's hip and what's happening
The Playboy Advisor
The Playboy Forum - a continuing dialogue on contemporary issues between playboy and its readers
Johnny Guts (fiction) by Gerald Green
Super Surfer! (pictorial) by Laura Blears Ching
Adventures Of Sherlock Jones (parody) by Sol Weinstein/Howard Albrecht
The Good Doctor (article) by Roger Rapoport
Wilt Not! (attire) by Robert L. Green
You Gotta Believe (article) by Laurence Gonzales
Playboy's Party Jokes (humor) with LeRoy Neiman's Femlin
Jimmy The Greek's Crash Course On Vegas (article) by Mike Rich
How's Your Gambling I.Q.? (quiz) by Jay Allen
Borne Free (modern living)
News From The Fore Front (modern living)
Dunlop Crashes In (fiction) by Larry McMurtry
How To Make Money When All Are Losing Theirs (article) by Lee Berton
The Vargas Girl (pictorial) by Alberto Vargas
Arab Short Stories (ribald classic) by Al-Jahiz, illustrated by Brad Holland
Sex In Suburbia (humor) by Charles Saxon
Punka Coolers (drink) by Emanuel Greenberg
On The Scene (personalities) - Rick Wolhulter, Tom Gish, Gabriel Kaplan
Playboy Potpourri - people, places, objects and events of interest or amusement
Actress Robynn Douglas appears in the "A Long Look at Legs" pictorial. *Laura Blears Ching was the first woman to go up against men in a competion off Hawaii in 1972.
206 pages of period adverts, pin ups and articles with lots of quality photographs and illustrations.