Since the Sixties the average Playmate's weight has stayed the same but the average height has increased by four inches. The average bust size has dropped an inch as has the waist the hip size has remained roughly the same.
Most popular month for a PMOY's first appearance is December with 10. June 2006 and July 2007 were both the first times the PMOY was from these months' Playmates.
The only Playmate to have been Born On The Fourth Of July is Tish Howard, the July 1966 Playmate.
There have been a number of instances of two non-related Playmates having been born on the same day. Most notably that of Joyce Nizzari and Joan Staley because there appearances were in back to back issues, November 1958 and December 1958 respectively.
The most common age for a Playmate is 21. Most Playmates appear around an average age of 22 but there are some who have done so in their 30's.
Dolores Donlon (August 1957), Janis Schmitt (February 1978), Eloise Broady (April 1988), Gillian Bonner (April 1996) and Tiffany Fallon (December 2004 and PMOY 2005) were all 30 just before their Playmate shoot. Bettie Page (January 1955), Susie Diane Owens (March 1988) and Arlene Baxter (December 1993) were 31 while Kathy Ann Shower (May 1985) was a Playmate at 32, and a PMOY at 33. Cindy Brooks (April 1985) and Julianna Young (November 1993) were 33 for their Playmate shoots. Rebecca Ramos has them all beat though with her January 2003 appearance at the age of 35.
The most common Month for the Birth of a Playmate is August with the 1st being the most common Day of the Month and Tuesday the most common Day of the Week. No Playmates were actually born on Tuesday 1st August.
The most common first name is Jennifer, with eleven, and Virgo is the most common star sign.
Within the USA Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, South
Dakota and Vermont have all yet to provide a Playmate, California has provided the most.
Outside of the USA Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Indonesia, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Malta, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Ukraine and Vietnam have already done so. |